
  1. System Startup and Shutdown

    1. Understanding the Boot Sequence

    2. The Grand Unified Boot Loader

    3. GRUB Configuration Files

    4. System Configuration Files in /etc

    5. The init Process

    6. SysVinit Startup

    7. chkconfig and service

    8. Upstart

    9. systemd

    10. Shutting down/Rebooting the System

  2. Lab: Chapter Labs

    1. Boot into non-graphical mode using GRUB

    2. Add a new startup service with System V

    3. Add a new startup services with system

    4. Run Shutdown vs. Halt vs. Reboot

  3. Linux Filetree System Layout

    1. Data Distinctions

    2. FHS Linux Standard Directory Tree

    3. root (/) directory

    4. /bin

    5. /dev

    6. /etc

    7. /home

    8. /lib and /lib64

    9. /media

    10. /mnt

    11. /opt

    12. /proc

    13. /sys

    14. /root

    15. /sbin

    16. /tmp

    17. /usr

    18. /var

    19. /run

  4. Lab: Chapter Labs

    1. Change size of the default directories

    2. Touring the /proc Filesystem

  5. Kernel Services and Configuration

    1. Kernel Overview

    2. Kernel Configuration

    3. sysctl

    4. Kernel Modules

    5. Module Utilities

    6. Module Configuration

    7. udev and Device Management

  6. Lab: Chapter Labs

    1. Manipulating system tunables with sysctl.

    2. Changing the maximum process ID.

    3. Working with Kernel modules.

    4. Working with udev.

  7. Partitioning and Formatting Disks

    1. Common Disk Types

    2. Disk Geometry

    3. Partitioning

    4. Naming Disk Devices

    5. Sizing up partitions

    6. Partition table editors

  8. Lab: Chapter Labs

    1. Using a file as a disk partition image

    2. Partioning a Disk Image file

    3. Using losetup and parted

    4. Partitioning a real hard disk

  9. Linux Filesystems

    1. Some Notes About Filesystems

    2. Virtual Filesystem (VFS)

    3. Filesystem Concepts

    4. Disk and Filesystem Usage

    5. Extended Attributes

    6. ext4

    7. XFS

    8. btrfs

    9. Creating and formatting filesystems

    10. Checking and Repairing Filesystems

    11. Mounting filesystems

    12. Swap

    13. Filesystem Quotas

  10. Lab: Chapter Labs

    1. Defragmenting a system.

    2. Modifying Filesystem parameters using tune2fs.

    3. Working with file attributes.

    4. Mounting options.

    5. Managing swap space.

    6. Filesystem quotas.

    7. Working with XFS

    8. Working with btrfs

  11. RAID and LVM

    1. working with RAID and Logical Volume Management

  12. Lab: Chapter Labs

    1. Creating a RAID device

    2. Creating Logical Volumes

  13. Processes

    1. Programs and Processes

    2. Process States

    3. Execution Modes

    4. Daemons

    5. Creating Processes

    6. Process Limits

    7. Process Monitoring

    8. Signals

    9. niceness

    10. Libraries

  14. Lab: Installing and Configuring Windows 7

    1. Controlling processes with ulimit

    2. Using ps and top

    3. Monitoring process states

    4. Examining signal priorities and execution

  15. Package Management Systems

    1. Software Packaging Concepts

    2. RPM (Red Hat Package Manager)

    3. DPKG (Debian Package)

    4. Revision Control Systems

  16. Lab: Chapter Labs

    1. Using RPM

    2. Rebuilding the RPM database

    3. Using DKPG

    4. Version control with git

  17. Package Installers

    1. Package Installers

    2. yum

    3. zypper

    4. APT

  18. Lab: Chapter Labs

    1. Basic yum commands

    2. Using yum to find information about a package

    3. Managing groups of packages with yum

    4. Adding a new yum repository

    5. Basic zypper commands

    6. Using zypper to find information about a package

    7. Basic APT commands

    8. Using APT to find information about a package

    9. Managing groups of packages using APT

  19. User and Group Account Management

    1. User Accounts

    2. Management

    3. Passwords

    4. Restricted Shells and Accounts

    5. The root Account

    6. Group Management

    7. PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)

    8. Authentication Process

    9. Configuring PAM

    10. LDAP Authentication

    11. File Permissions and Ownership

    12. SSH

  20. Lab: Chapter Labs

    1. Working with user accounts

    2. Working with groups

    3. Configuring PAM

    4. Using chmod

  21. Backup and Recovery Methods

    1. Backup Basics

    2. cpio

    3. tar

    4. Compression: gzip, bzip2 and xz and Backups

    5. dd

    6. rsync

    7. dump and restore

    8. mt

    9. Backup Programs

  22. Lab: Chapter Labs

    1. Using tar for backup

    2. Using cpio for backup

    3. Using rsync for backup

  23. Networking

    1. IP Addresses

    2. Hostnames

    3. Configuring Network Interfaces

    4. Routing

    5. Name Resolution

    6. Network Diagnostics

  24. Lab: Chapter Labs

    1. Static configuration of a network interface

    2. Adding a static hostname

    3. Adding a network interface alias

  25. Firewalls

    1. Firewalls

    2. Interfaces

    3. firewalld

    4. Zones

    5. Source Management

    6. Service and Port Management

  26. Lab: Chapter Labs

    1. Installing firewalld

    2. Examining firewall-cmd

    3. Adding services to a zone

    4. Using the firewall GUI

  27. Local System Security

    1. Local System Security

    2. Creating a Security Policy

    3. Updates and Security

    4. Physical Security

    5. Filesystem Security

    6. Linux Security Modules

  28. Lab: Chapter Labs

    1. Using SELinux

    2. Security and mount options

    3. Using umask

    4. Usint setuid and scripts

  29. Basic Troubleshoot and System Rescue

    1. Troubleshooting Overview

    2. Things to Check: Networking

    3. Boot Process Failures

    4. Filesystem Corruption and Recovery

    5. Virtual Consoles

    6. Rescue Media and Troubleshooting

    7. System Rescue and Recovery

  30. Lab: Chapter Labs

    1. Preparing to use Rescue/Recover media

    2. Recovering from a corrupted GRUB configuration

    3. Recovering from a password failure

    4. Recovering from partition table corruption

    5. Recovering using the install image

Dieses Seminar vermittelt den Teilnehmern die notwendigen Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten um als professioneller Linux- Systemadministrator arbeiten zu können.

Der Kurs behandelt die Verwaltung, die Konfiguration von Linux-Systemen (Red Hat, SUSE, Debian/Ubuntu). Sie erlernen den Umgang mit den wichtigsten Werkzeugen und Konzepten, um eine Enterprise Linux Infrastruktur aufzubauen und zu verwalten.

Dieser Kurs bereitet den Benutzer auf die Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator ( LFC ) in der Prüfung vor.

Nach Besuch dieses Seminars haben die Teilnehmer Kenntnisse zu folgenden Themen:

  • System Startup and Shutdown

  • Linux Filetree System Layout

  • Kernel Services and Configuration

  • Partitioning and Formatting Disks

  • Linux Filesystems

  • RAID and LVM

  • Package Management Systems

  • Package Installers

  • User and Group Account Management

  • Backup and Recovery Methods

  • Networking

  • Firewalls

  • Local System Security

  • Basic Troubleshoot and System Rescue

Mögliche Zertifizierung: MCSA Linux on Azure
Für dieses Seminar werden folgende Kenntnisse empfohlen: