Thema dieses Seminars ist die Verbesserung der Sicherheit von IT-Infrastrukturen, angefangen mit der Bedeutung der Erkenntnis, dass Netzwerkverstöße bereits stattgefunden haben, bis zu den Schutzmöglichkeiten für administrative Rechte, um sicherzustellen, dass Administratoren nur die Aufgaben durchführen können, zu denen sie berechtigt sind.
Weitere Themen sind die Minimierung der Bedrohungen durch Malware, die Identifizierung von möglichen Sicherheitsproblemen mithilfe von Auditing und des Advanced-Threat-Analysis-Features in Windows Server 2016, die Absicherung der Virtualisierungsplattform sowie die Verwendung neuer Bereitstellungsoptionen wie Nano-Server und Container, um die Sicherheit zu verbessern. Schließlich lernen die Teilnehmer, den Zugriff auf Dateien mithilfe von Verschlüsselung und dynamischer Zugriffskontrolle zu schützen.
Dieser 5-tägige Kurs richtet sich an Personen, die für die Sicherheit von Speicher und Rechenleistung verantwortlich sind und ein Verständnis für die Szenarien, Anforderungen und Optionen, die für Windows Server 2016 verfügbar und anwendbar sind, erwerben wollen.

Wir empfehlen den Besuch unserer smart Seminare:
  • smart Windows Server 2016: Securing Windows Server

  • Nach Abschluss dieses Seminars haben die Teilnehmer Wissen zu diesen Themen aufgebaut:
    • Secure Windows Server.
    • Secure application development and a server workload infrastructure.
    • Manage security baselines.
    • Configure and manage just enough and just-in-time (JIT) administration.
    • Manage data security.
    • Configure Windows Firewall and a software-defined distributed firewall.
    • Secure network traffic.
    • Secure your virtualization infrastructure.
    • Manage malware and threats.
    • Configure advanced auditing.
    • Manage software updates.
    • Manage threats by using Advanced Threat Analytics (ATA) and Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS).

  1. Module 1: Breach detection and using the Sysinternals tools
    1. Overview of breach detection
    2. Using the Sysinternals tools to detect breaches
    3. Lab : Basic breach detection and incident response strategies
      1. Identifying attack types
      2. Using incident-response strategies
      3. Exploring the Sysinternals tools
  2. Module 2: Protecting credentials and privileged access
    1. Understanding user rights
    2. Computer and service accounts
    3. Protecting credentials
    4. Understanding privileged-access workstations and jump servers
    5. Deploying a local administrator-password solution
    6. Lab : User rights, security options, and group-managed service accounts
      1. Configuring security options
      2. Configuring restricted groups
      3. Delegating privileges
      4. Creating and managing group managed service accounts (MSAs)
      5. Configuring the Credential Guard feature
      6. Locating problematic accounts
    7. Lab : Configuring and deploying LAPs
      1. Installing local administrator password solution (LAPs)
      2. Configuring LAPs
      3. Deploying LAPs
  3. Module 3: Limiting administrator rights with Just Enough Administration
    1. Understanding JEA
    2. Configuring and deploying JEA
    3. Lab : Limiting administrator privileges by using JEA
      1. Creating a role-capability file
      2. Creating a session-configuration file
      3. Creating a JEA endpoint
      4. Connecting to a JEA endpoint
      5. Deploying JEA by using Desire State Configuration (DSC)
  4. Module 4: Privileged Access Management and administrative forests
    1. Understanding ESAE forests
    2. Overview of MIM
    3. Implementing JIT and Privileged Access Management by using MIM
    4. Lab : Limiting administrator privileges by using Privileged Access Management
      1. Using a layered approach to security
      2. Exploring MIM
      3. Configuring a MIM web portal
      4. Configuring the Privileged Access feature
      5. Requesting privileged access
  5. Module 5: Mitigating malware and threats
    1. Configuring and managing Windows Defender
    2. Using software restricting policies (SRPs) and AppLocker
    3. Configuring and using Device Guard
    4. Using and deploying the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit
    5. Lab : Securing applications by using AppLocker, Windows Defender, Device Guard Rules, and the EMET.
      1. Configuring Windows Defender
      2. Configuring AppLocker
      3. Configuring and deploying Device Guard
      4. Deploying and using EMET
  6. Module 6: Analysing activity by using advanced auditing and log analytics
    1. Overview of auditing
    2. Understanding advanced auditing
    3. Configuring Windows PowerShell auditing and logging
    4. Lab : Configuring encryption and advanced auditing
      1. Configuring auditing of file-system access
      2. Auditing domain logons
      3. Managing the configuration of advanced audit policies
      4. Windows PowerShell logging and auditing
  7. Module 7: Analysing activity with Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics feature and Operations Management Suite
    1. Overview of Advanced Threat Analytics
    2. Understanding OMS
    3. Lab : Advanced Threat Analytics and Operations Management Suite
      1. Using ATA and OMS
      2. Preparing and deploying ATA
      3. Preparing and deploying OMS
  8. Module 8: Securing your virtualization an infrastructure
    1. Overview of Guarded Fabric VMs
    2. Understanding shielded and encryption-supported VMs
    3. Lab : Deploying and using Guarded Fabric with administrator-trusted attestation and shielded VMs
      1. Deploying Guarded Fabric VMs with administrator-trusted attestation
  9. Module 9: Securing application development and server-workload infrastructure
    1. Using Security Compliance Manager
    2. Introduction to Nano Server
    3. Understanding containers
    4. Lab : Using Security Compliance Manager
      1. Configuring a security baseline for Windows Server 2016
      2. Deploying a security baseline for Windows Server 2016
    5. Lab : Deploying and Configuring Nano Server and containers
      1. Deploying, managing, and securing Nano Server
      2. Deploying, managing, and securing Windows Server containers
      3. Deploying, managing, and securing Hyper-V containers
  10. Module 10: Protecting data with encryption
    1. Planning and implementing encryption
    2. Planning and implementing BitLocker
    3. Lab : Configuring EFS and BitLocker
      1. Encrypting and recovering access to encrypted files
      2. Using BitLocker to protect data
  11. Module 11: Limiting access to file and folders
    1. Introduction to FSRM
    2. Implementing classification management and file-management tasks
    3. Understanding Dynamic Access Control (DAC)
    4. Lab : Configuring quotas and file screening
      1. Configuring FSRM quotas
      2. Configuring file screening
    5. Lab : Implementing DAC
      1. Preparing DAC
      2. Implementing DAC
  12. Module 12: Using firewalls to control network traffic flow
    1. Understanding Windows Firewall
    2. Software-defined distributed firewalls
    3. Lab : Windows Firewall with Advanced Security
      1. Creating and testing inbound rules
      2. Creating and testing outbound rules
  13. Module 13: Securing network traffic
    1. Network-related security threats and connection-security rules
    2. Configuring advanced DNS settings
    3. Examining network traffic with Microsoft Message Analyzer
    4. Securing SMB traffic, and analysing SMB traffic
    5. Lab : Connection security rules and securing DNS
      1. Creating and testing connection security rules
      2. Configuring and testing DNSSEC
    6. Lab : Microsoft Message Analyzer and SMB encryption
      1. Using Microsoft Message Analyzer
      2. Configuring and verifying SMB encryption on SMB shares
  14. Module 14: Updating Windows Server
    1. Overview of WSUS
    2. Deploying updates by using WSUS
    3. Lab : Implementing update management
      1. Implementing the WSUS server role
      2. Configuring update settings
      3. Approving and deploying an update by using WSUS
      4. Deploying Windows Defender definition updates by using WSUS
Für dieses Seminar werden folgende Vorkenntnisse empfohlen: